YOUR SESSION LOCATION(Please Select One and write it down)

  • By Phone: Coach Kleinberg calls you directly at appointment time that is previously agreed upon/scheduled
  • FaceTime: You will need a quiet, private room with no distractions where you can totally focus on the conversation
  • Face-to-Face: In Person Session previously agreed upon/schedule at specified location including office setting, coffee shop, outdoors


YOUR LEARNING STYLE: (Please Select One or Two and write it down)

The Seven Learning Styles:

  • Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding
  • Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music
  • Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing
  • Physical (kinesthetic/tactile): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch
  • Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems
  • Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people
  • Solitary (interpersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study


TIP: Kinesthetic/Tactile learners can instantly capture content that is embedded in a picture. The image grabs their attention and the visual brain snaps a picture and stores it instantly. The related body-motion is crucial, because this is the Kinesthetic/Tactile client’s primary learning strength.

I know immediately by the end of my first in-take session with my client, what their go-to style of learning is. Some clients have a difficult time focusing unless they are physically moving. As a person who is a KINESTHETIC/TACTILE LEARNER like myself, I understand how rhythm and movement helps to trigger mental/emotional processing as well as store the new information in the brain. Often, I invite my clients who learn in this same way, to meet me outdoors so we can tap their natural learning/exploring rhythm and walk as we talk. I will sometimes have my clients use the camera or recorder on their cellphone during sessions to keep the session momentum moving. A fidget spinner also comes in handy for this type of learner and has helped my clients to speed up the way they receive, understand and retain the information I am sharing.

Some clients are AUDITORY LEARNERS and so I opt to go yet another path and custom-fit sessions that include ocean or rain sounds, music, audio book segments or have them read aloud from their own notes or from written resources that define that particular coaching moment’s needs. Again the goal is to absorb, understand and retain. My goal is to clear the emotional blocks as well as the learning blocks. This speeds up client results. Everyone learns differently, but regardless, I meet people however and wherever they show up, whether it be in person or over the phone. Learning styles should always be considered in order to custom-fit new tools that help to guarantee my client’s curiosity, engagement, understanding and retention. Knowing your particular learning style is key to success. Guarantee, an overwhelming majority of counselors and coaches don’t even think to ask their clientele what their learning style is. I never want to miss the opportunity to custom-design my coaching practice to meet my clients precisely where they are.




