What Gives You The Right?

Who do you think you are to believe that you are all alone in the world. REALLY? What about the sun that you spin around every day? What about all the bacteria that lives in your body? How ‘bout the birds sleeping in the trees outside your window? You are immersed in life’s living and you’re not alone. NOPE. It’s just another story. A fearful belief that haunts us all at some point in our life. Truth is, there is something called The Journey of the Soul. Or The Dark Night of the Soul. The panicked and lonesome feeling. You know it well. We all do. A bone-deep longing…to be safe, to be seen, to been special because it feels like we are none of those things. This painful separation from source likely accompanied us on our incarnation. It’s an idea. A thought and though it’s not even real, it feels so painful. But think about it…without source, without your connection to God, you couldn’t incarnate. Do you see this? For everything we are and everything we come from surrounds us. God/Source is EVERYWHERE. You’re made up of the same stuff as the animals and insects that roam. You’re made up of the same stuff as everyone else. For God-sake…you’re made up of star stuff. You are. Don’t believe me…look it up. It’s true. Everything on, in and around our planet is all energy. Without source’s guidance, would you have arrived in your body? And what you see outside of you, is simply a reflection of you, your own material matter and your thoughts. Quantum Physics. Look it up. FASCINATING! Science always is. Proof. We all need proof. You’re not alone, silly. You just think you are. Don’t fret…exhale. Support and Safety surrounds you.